Health Insurance CoverageThe payment of health insurance is frequently a significant and complex issue in a divorce because of the rising cost of premiums for medical coverage. At our Boston law firm, our lawyers work to determine the best means of insuring the whole family after a divorce. To discuss issues related to health insurance coverage after a divorce, contact us. The cost and complexity of health insurance coverage is increasing. Any final orders in divorce proceedings should include arrangements for providing medical insurance. Our lawyers also try to structure insurance arrangements to include related matters such as payment of uninsured medical expenses, including dental and orthodontia, and therapy. We work to keep the agreement fluid, so that it provides flexibility and allows for adjustment if the insurance provider's circumstances change. For example, if the policyholder provides coverage through his or job and is laid off or terminated, the insurance arrangement should be able to accommodate a change to the other spouse's employer-provided policy. If that is not possible, a health insurance agreement should include provisions for COBRA payments and should comply with all Massachusetts required statutes. To learn more about developing agreements that deal with all matters related to health insurance, contact us at Taylor, Ganson & Perrin, LLP. |